Becoming Limitless

You don’t realize this yet, but you are already limitless. Nonetheless, I am going to show you how to harness the power you already possess to push yourself beyond what you think your limits are now. You can accomplish absolutely anything you wish. Here are the steps.

1. Take the absolute worst, negative shit from your life, roll it into a ball, place it into your core-being, and use it to fuel your fire. Utilize that which will propel you to the next level of success in your existence.

2. Remember this quote: “I have learned far more from my pain than I have ever learned from my pleasures.” Each painful experience has taught me a life lesson that I would never have learned in any textbook. You have these as well. Although they differ, you can and must learn from them.

3. Find your “Why.” What is the reason you want to accomplish your goals? You had better be willing to die for your why, or you are just wasting your time and energy.

4. “You are the sum of your peers.” Get rid of your friends who have no ambition or drive. The ones who see everything negatively. You can be friendly, but limit your time with them or limit your conversations with them. They will subconsciously bring you down to their level. At best, you will only be slightly more successful than the best ones in your group. Therefore, get a better group.

5. Quit using recreational drugs and alcohol if you use them. Even in moderation, these will limit your abilities significantly. You won’t realize it, but other people around you will.

6. Do at least one thing each day that benefits only yourself. For example, eat right, exercise, learn something, read a book, or take a class. Do one selfish thing to get yourself to feel good and get closer to your goals.

7. Do at least one thing each day that benefits only someone else. For example, teach, motivate, educate, or give. By helping others get closer to their goals, others will want to help you in return. This act of kindness will come back to you many times over. It’s Karma, baby!

8. Meditate daily. If you do it regularly and get really good at it, it will open up doors and unlock your mind. Exercise your brain by meditating as often as possible. You’ll eventually tap into the world’s universal, collective consciousness. This takes time to do. Do not give up, however. This is how you will tap into your sixth sense, and if you already have it partially developed, then it will get you to the next level of your abilities. This rule may be the most important one up here, so don’t ignore it.

9. Trust your gut instincts. As you develop your conscious being, your gut feelings will increase in accuracy over time. Keep a journal of these experiences. This will allow you to learn the difference in the feeling you get when you “just know something.”

10. Exercise your physical body. A healthy body means a healthy mind. Try to work out, swim, bike, or do whatever you like. Just do it.

11. Spread the love. Literally. Tell your loved ones how you feel about them each time you speak with them. A simple “love you” is all it takes at the end of a conversation, email, text message, or anything. Remember, you really have no idea if it is the last time you will ever speak to them.

12. Be grateful for all you have and are. Don’t say things like, “I have to go to work today” or “I have to take care of my kids.” Instead, say, “I get to go to work today” and “I get to take care of my kids.”

13. Trust the signs. Remember, there are no coincidences. You are probably getting messages right now and don’t realize what they are.

14. Wake up each day and act as if this will be your last day on Earth, because one day you’ll wake up and you’ll be correct. Do not fear that day, but welcome it, for your journey has just begun.

The Formula

I spoke in an earlier chapter about a process in which one could change the perception of oneself within their true reality and that this process could manifest permanent positive changes in one’s reality. I am going to share this method with you.

According to Buddha, there is such a process, but there is a catch. Here are Buddha’s Five Precepts to Enlightenment. It was said by Buddha that you must live by these five to reach your full enlightenment. I still struggle with some of them. I am not Buddha, by any means, but I’m trying. (Damn those meatballs are delicious!)

1. Refrain from taking any life (i.e., killing any living creature).

2. Refrain from taking what is not freely given (i.e., theft).

3. Refrain from sexual misconduct (i.e., committing sexual offenses).

4. Refrain from harmful speech (i.e., lying, name calling, or gossiping).

5. Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind (i.e., drugs or alcohol).

As you know, I once struggled with the use of drugs and alcohol. However, through the various forms of meditation that I have learned, I can make myself feel better than any alcohol or drug could ever make me feel. I can make real change that is permanent in myself, my life, and my perceptions of both. I no longer feel like I am missing something in my life or that there is anything I cannot have if I really want it. I no longer wish to alter my perception of reality with the use of intoxicants because my real life is extraordinary. I don’t have any reasons to want to escape it.

You really can have everything. You can live without wanting. You can be happy just “being.” I promise you. Here is the formula:

1. Meditate (get great at it)

2. Practice Karma (be kind to others)

3. Manifest (meditate your wants)

4. Practice Mindfulness (live only in the present moment)

5. Live by Buddha’s Precepts (to the best of your ability)

Meditation is crucial to this process. Aligning yourself with the universal structure and consciousness is both physical and psychological in nature. It takes mental clarity and practice to accomplish. This is where we all have the ability to connect, be limitless, have limitless knowledge and potential, and acquire all the things we want.

In my opinion, it is by far the greatest experience one can ever have as a human.

This connection can take place through the practice of meditation as Buddha said and did; it is the ultimate enlightenment one can achieve. Removing any and all obstacles between you and the universal collective consciousness is what takes time and practice. The good news is that you do not have to reach full enlightenment to begin to manipulate your reality and get the things you want out of life.

Begin each day with a brief mediation. Think about all the things you are grateful for, followed by what you want in life. This can be as brief as five minutes if necessary. As you continue through your day, be kind to the people you interact with. Random acts of kindness will return to you many times over. If you have a difficult day, sneak away and repeat the brief morning meditation with the affirmation. It takes but a minute or two. Practice being mindful and live life only in each of its present moments. You have the choice of not allowing yesterday’s negative decisions be repeated in your present moment. Live each day by Buddha’s Five Precepts to the best of your ability and end your day with a meditation before bedtime. Make this one longer. Begin with an attitude of gratitude and state all of what you have to be thankful for. Things like your loved ones, your job, a kind word from someone, the opportunity to care for your children, and your health. Follow this again by what you want next out of life. Then just relax, clear your mind, and see where it takes you. Wake up and repeat.

Take the formula and then write your book. I can’t wait to read it!

Ray Catania

Ray Catania is a metaphysical teacher, master-certified life coach, and award-winning author.

He believes that modern-day spirituality is best taught at the intersection of science and spirituality. He is passionate about helping others get unstuck, harness the power of their mind, and create their own reality.

His first book, The Atheist and The Afterlife is the true story of his own spiritual awakening. With no holds barred, he shares vulnerable stories of personal trauma, mystical experiences, and his ultimate transformation from an atheist to an Intuitive, Clairvoyant, and developing Medium. His second book, You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It shares how he developed the ability to help others. Through personal experiences and scientific theories, he shares techniques that anyone can use to replicate what he’s learned.

Catania holds a master’s degree in Metaphysics from the University of Sedona and is working toward completing a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Parapsychology. He is a master certified life coach, an NDE survivor, an ordained minister, a master Usui Reiki instructor, and a certified meditation instructor. At the heart of his work is his ability to intuitively see what others need to transcend their own trauma and self-doubt to find lasting inner peace.

Learn more about Ray on his website and be sure to subscribe to his newsletter to start your own journey to become limitless today.


Real Life Transformation